
Welcome to Glavani Park in our 15th year of operation. We are in the process of updating our website at the moment. Soon you will be able to book your tickets in advance before arrival. Please, for now, buy our gift vouchers and save 5% on all ticket prices. We look forward to you all having the very best time at Glavani Park.


Dobrodošli u Glavani Park u našoj 15. godini rada. Trenutno smo u procesu ažuriranja naše web stranice. Uskoro ćete moći unaprijed kupiti svoje ulaznice prije dolaska. Za sada, molimo vas da kupite naše poklon vaučere i uštedite 5% na svim cijenama ulaznica. Radujemo se što ćete svi imati najbolji mogući provod u Glavani Parku.


Human catapult - attraction number 1

"Honestly, the least frightening and most exhilarating thing I have ever done. The acceleration is amazing, the flight is incredible, there is no shock and I have been smiling for the last two days. TRULY AWESOME."


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